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Artist Statement

In my artistic exploration, I traverse the landscapes of everyday life, intertwining elements of magic realism, nature, and the allure of Southern Gothic. Inspired by the essence concealed within the mundane, I unravel the mysteries and beauty lurking in the ordinary. It’s the quiet street corner bathed in golden hour’s glow, the whisper of history in a dilapidated barn, and the silent stories hidden deep within a forest. Each stroke of my brush is an attempt to provoke nostalgia and contemplation, to recapture fleeting moments, and to invite viewers to delve into the spectrum of human conditions and experiences.

My compositions encompass a diverse range of subjects, including landscapes, portraits, nature and still life, often combining them to create compelling compositions. I immerse myself in the world of color, light, and shadow, drawing inspiration from the emotional resonance these elements evoke. My choice of color palette is meticulously tailored to convey the desired mood, guiding viewers through a nostalgic journey of forgotten or repressed memories and emotions and leading them to a place of escape from the burdens of life to find the beauty in it. This is where the touch of surrealism breathes life, transforming the familiar into a tableau where the mystical can coexist with the ordinary. A butterfly flitting across the sky, a deer standing in a state of serene alertness before running into the wild--each of these unassuming instances that, while brief, is replete with wonder and significance. Through my work, I am inviting viewers to not only see but also experience the sense of fleeting beauty and the poignant reminder that these natural moments are as eternal as they are ephemeral. I hope to engage the viewers' senses and memories of places, things, and feelings forgotten or repressed. I choose these methods to capture our everyday environment and invoke a thoughtful response to these fleeting moments that would otherwise go unnoticed. It is a call to witness the dance of creation that continues around us, often unnoticed, always profound.

Open for Commissions 

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